Samosa Patti Making Machine DT-12060L Automatic Spring Roll Wrapper Machine 7000Pieces
Samosa patti making machine DT-12060L automates the process of feeding batter, spring roll wrapper baking and cooling, kesish, Hisoblash va to'plash, sovutish.
Ariza: Suitable to bake lumpia wrappers, Tuxumli teri terisi, bahorgi rulon pirojnomasi, crepe wraps, Samosa varag'i va boshqalar.
Sig'im: 7000 bir soat (15sm)
O'rash hajmi: 5mm to 600mm
O'rash shakli: Kvadrat, to'rtburchaklar, yoki yumaloq
Shudgoriya usuli: Elektr isitish yoki gaz isitish
Samosa Patti Making Machine Application
What is a samosa patti or samosa sheet?
Samosa patti or samosa sheet refers to the thin dough wrappers or pastry sheets used to make samosas, a type of Indian snack.
Raw materials for samosa patti or samosa sheet is usually made by mixing flour, water and some other ingredients (such as oil, salt, va hokazo.). And samosa sheet or samosa patti can wrap the filling and be folded into triangles or other shapes.
Samosa Sheet Machine Application
Samosa Sheet Machine, Samosa Sheet Making Machine, or Samosa Pastry Sheet Making Machine, is designed to revolutionize the way you make samosas, offering unparalleled efficiency, convenience, and quality.
The Samosa Patti Making Machine is perfect for food processors, restoranlar, caterers, and home cooks who want to streamline their samosa production. It can be used to quickly and easily produce large quantities of samosa pattis or sheets, which are then filled with delicious spices, sabzavot, and other ingredients to create mouth-watering samosas. Whether you’re catering a large event or simply want to offer samosas on your menu, this machine will take your production to the next level.
Ko'proq narsa, samosa sheet machine for sale is industrial dough sheet making solution, pishirish turiga mo'ljallangan, to'rtburchaklar, va kvadrat xamir choyshablari. Va ilg'or texnologiyalar bilan, our machine bakes every dough sheet in perfectly uniform shape and even thickness. Bundan tashqari, Xamirning plastmassi qalinligi 0,3 mm dan 0 mm gacha, oxirigacha kerak. Shu sababli, the fully automatic samosa sheet machine and production solution can be customized to makes spring roll wrappers, samosa sheet, bekuli tuxumshalar, krep, Kremli France krep.

Samosa Sheet Making Machine DT-12060L Introduction
Production Line DT-12060L is a fully automatic spring roll wrapper machine or samosa sheet machine with output 7000 bir soat, taken 15cm egg roll sheet for example. Va u ingredientlarni suyuqlikda aralashtirish jarayonini avtomatlashtiradi. pechni pishirish uchun tuzni boqish, cutting the wrapper to desired size, sovutish, Hisoblash va to'plash. Shu sababli, best automatic samosa sheet making machine includes batter mixer, pechni salqinroq pishirish, konveyerni hisoblash va to'plash.
Since the machine takes small space for installation and requires less investment. It is popular to use in central kitchen, restoranlar, Oziq-ovqat fabrikasi, Yangi biznes starteri va mashinalar dilerlari.
Bundan tashqari, Mijozni tanlash uchun ikkita isitish usuli mavjud, electric heating or gas heating. Even electric heating machine give more even heating on wrapper which ensures consistant quality. Biroq, gas heating machine is also popular to use in Middle east, yoki filippilik, Fazilat, Indoneziya va boshqalar.
Samosa Sheet and Spring Roll Wraps Production Processing Flow
Automatic samosa sheet maker machine includes
- Aralashtirish 100L
- Samosa sheet or Spring Roll Wrapper Baking Machine (Pechni sovutish konveyeri bilan pishirish)
- Konveyerni hisoblash va to'plash (Qo'lni hisoblash va yig'ish)

Samosa Patti Banane Ki Machine Features
Quality Material and Qualified Made
Samosa sheet machine price is food grade 304 Zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan materiallar. Va 304 Zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan plastmassaning qalinligi 5 mm gacha. More Durable to use.
Va raqamli lazer kesish bilan, Biz har bir qismli materialni aniq o'lchamlar bilan olamiz. Bundan tashqari, Oziq-ovqat darajasi to'liq payvandlash va chirishsiz davolash, Mashina yuzasi silliq va yaxshi apparat.
Energy Saving and Less Maintaince
We develope electromagnetic heating system which ensures the faster heating speed with high heat conversion than traditional heating plates. Therefore our machine help user save production cost greatly.
Bundan tashqari, Ushbu texnologiya bo'yicha, kamroq xizmat ko'rsatadi. Chunki isitish plitalari singan isitish plitalarini muntazam ravishda almashtirish kerak bo'lgan an'anaviy mashina.
We can customize the samosa pastry machine for sale by shape, Bu dumaloq shakl bo'ladimi, to'rtburchaklar shakli yoki kvadrat shaklida. Bundan tashqari, Bundan tashqari, xamirning qalinligi va o'lchamini sozlashimiz mumkin,
Gigiena va xavfsizlik
Professional samosa patti making machine are designed with hygiene in mind. Shunday qilib, we build the machine with asy-to-clean surfaces and materials that resist the growth of bacteria. Qo'shimcha, Ikkita ishchi bor, ularni muntazam ravishda boqish kerak va ushbu satrda ish jarayonini kuzatib borish kerak. Oxir-oqibat, bu oziq-ovqat bilan inson aloqasini minimallashtiradi, ifloslanish xavfini kamaytirish.
Samosa Patti Making Machine Price Parameter
Here is technical data on both electric samosa sheet machine and spring roll sheet making machine gas heating
Model | Dt-3620l | Dt-5029l | Dt-8045l | Dt-12060l |
Ha. isitish tsilindridan | 360mm | 500mm | 800mm | 1200mm |
Mashinaning o'lchami | 4.3*0.8*1.35m | 4.7*0.95*1.58m | 5.2*1.1.5m | 6.2*1.2*1.6m |
Elektr energiyasini iste'mol qilish | 6.0KVt yoki gaz | 13.2KVt yoki gaz | 38kVt yoki gaz | 59kVt yoki gaz |
Xost Power | 0.75Kvant | 0.75Kvant | 0.75Kvant | 0.75Kvant |
Quvvatni kesish | 0.55kvant | 0.55Kvant | 0.55Kvant | 0.55Kvant |
Kamar kuchi | 0.18kvant | 0.55Kvant | 0.55Kvant | 0.55Kvant |
N. Shilmoq. | 320kg | 800kg | 1000Kg | 1500Kg |
Varaq hajmi ( Maks.) | aylana:180mm | aylana:270mm | aylana:430mm | aylana: 580mm |
to'rtburchaklar:200mm | to'rtburchaklar:290mm | to'rtburchaklar:450mm | to'rtburchaklar:600mm | |
Varaqning qalinligi | 0.3-2.0mm | 0.3-2.0mm | 0.3-2.0mm | 0.3-2.0mm |
Ishlab chiqarish quvvati | 500-800PCS / H | 2000PCS / H | 4000PCS / H | 6000-7000p / h |
Samosa Pastry Sheet Making Machine Manufacturer
Sifat mashinasi va xizmat ko'rsatishda kafolat
Bizning mashinamiz 12 Oyliklarning sifati kafolati va butun hayotni texnik ta'minlash.
Bundan tashqari, Biz dastur va xizmatni taklif qilamiz, Retseptni almashish, Ishlab chiqarish to'g'risida maslahat bering, va butun hayot ehtiyot qism xizmati.
Mijoz uchun ko'proq qiymat
DT Ovqat mashinalari to'liq ishlab chiqarish liniyasining to'liq eritmasini taklif etadi, Sizning oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ishga tushirish va muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun sizga bahorgi rulon retseptlari.
Bundan tashqari, Biz qadoqni bajara olamiz, Talabga binoan mijozning saytiga etkazib berish.
Samosa Sheet Making Machine Price
DT brand commercial egg roll wrapper machine or samosa sheet machine is a well-known brand in the market, and the price of DT large samosa pastry machine is not fixed and is according to following factors.
Model va tikilgan komponentlar
Mijozlar biznesining imkoniyatlariga erishish uchun, Bizda soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga 7000 donadan iborat turli xil modellar mavjud.
Va biz elektr va pnevmatik komponentlarga har bir oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qondirish uchun elektron va pnevmatik tarkibiy qismlarga bo'lgan talablarga rioya qilingan brendlarni elektr energiyasini qabul qilamiz.
Vazifalar va konfiguratsiya
The samosa sheet maker is required to meet each customer end product, o'rash hajmi jihatidan, shakl, qalinlik.
Shu sababli, when choosing DT samosa patti making Machine, Bu sizning ehtiyojingizning ishlab chiqarish quvvatini bilishga yordam beradi, va bir o'lchamli xamiringiz shakli, Mashinalar va zavod kuchlanishlari uchun afzal ko'rgan isitish usuli va hokazo.
Hozir, Texnik mutaxassisimiz bilan suhbatlashish va ko'proq maslahat olish uchun xush kelibsiz.
How to use samosa patti?
Samosa patti, often referred to as samosa wrapper or dough, is a crucial ingredient in making samosas, a popular fried pastry dish in many cultures, particularly in Indian and Pakistani cuisines. Here’s how you can use samosa patti to make delicious samosas:
Prepare the Filling
Samosa patti (wrappers)
Potatoes (boiled and mashed)
Peas (cooked)
Green chilies (finely chopped)
Fresh coriander leaves (finely chopped)
Cumin powder
Coriander powder
Garam masala
Oil for frying
In a large bowl, mix the boiled and mashed potatoes with cooked peas, finely chopped green chilies, and finely chopped fresh coriander leaves.
Add cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, and salt to taste. Mix well to form a flavorful filling.
Shape the Samosas
Fry the Samosas
Take a samosa patti and place it on a flat surface.
Apply a little water on the edges to help seal the patti.
Fold the patti into a cone shape, securing the edges to form a sturdy base.
Fill the cone with the prepared potato and pea mixture, ensuring it’s not overfilled to prevent tearing.
Seal the top of the cone by pressing the edges together firmly.
Repeat this process with the remaining samosa pattis and filling.
Heat oil in a deep frying pan or kadhai to a medium-high temperature.
Carefully place the shaped samosas in the hot oil.
Fry them until they are golden brown and crispy, turning them occasionally to ensure even cooking.
Remove the samosas from the oil using a slotted spoon and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil.
Serve the samosas hot with your favorite dipping sauce, such as tamarind chutney or mint yogurt sauce.
Make sure the oil is hot enough before adding the samosas to ensure they cook crispy.
Avoid overfilling the samosa cones to prevent them from tearing during frying.
You can also bake the samosas in an oven preheated to 200°C (392°F) for about 20-25 minutes, turning them halfway through, until they are golden brown and crispy.
By following these steps, you can use samosa patti to create delicious and crispy samosas that are perfect for any occasion. Enjoy your cooking!
Tegishli mashinalar
ARTORI BUYURTMA ISHLARI, krep ishlab chiqaruvchi, lumpia wrapper making machine, crepe making machine, Sovriod mln, chuqur qovurdoq.