Avtomatik krep mashinasi pancake tuxum rulosi terisini o'rash mashinasi

Avtomatik krep mashinasi pancake tuxum rulosi terisini o'rash mashinasi

avtomatik krep mashinasi tijorat Lumpia o'rash tuxum rulosi terisi bahor rulonli o'rash ishlab chiqarish liniyasi
Biz bilan bog'lanish

Automatic crepe machine is an industrial solution for baking round shape, rectangular shape and square shape dough wrappers with thickness ranging from 0.3mm to 2mm.

Ariza: Crepes, lumpia wrapper, spring roll sheet,samosa patti, egg roll skin wrapper, empanada sheet etc.

Sig'im: 500pcs/h to 7000pcs/h

Shudgoriya usuli: Elektr isitish yoki gaz isitish

Automatic Crepe Machine Application

Automatic crepe machine is an industrial dough sheeter machine. It can be tailored made for baking round shape, rectangular shape and square shape dough wrappers. Masalan, pancake roll wrappers, bahor rulosi o'rash, Tuxumli teri terisi, crepe wrapper, samosa sheet, lumpia wrappers etc. Shu sababli, the crepe making machine is also spring roll wrapper maker, egg roll skin wrapper machine, professional pancake machine, samosa sheeter machine etc.

And the wrapper thickness ranges from 0.3mm to 2mm. With advanced technology and energy saving heating method, the crepe wrapper making machine produces the wrapper in uniform shape and even thickness. And these wrappers can make lumpia, spring roll, samosa, empanada etc.

By changing the recipe, the machine will be an automatic pancake maker machine for making pancakes in round shapes. And by customizing the pancake forming machine, we make spring roll lumpia wrapper machine for spring roll wrappers in square or rectangular shape.

Since spring roll wrapper making machine is high quality, Foydalanish va foydalanuvchilarga qulay boshqarish. It is popular to use in small bakery, restoranlar, Markaziy keten, va keng ko'lamli oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish inshootlari.

bahorgi rulon pirojnomasi
Tuxumli terining teri priapperining dumaloq stol mashinasi

Automatic Crepe Maker Egg Roll Wrapper Maker Introduction

To make round shape egg roll wrapper, the egg roll wrapper making machine bakes the liquid paste which is fed from nozzles onto the customized round baking mold. After baking, the scrapper will remove each round wrapper off and the wrapper falls to cooling conveyor. Then the conveyor will carry the wrapper to the counting and stacking process.

Shu sababli, the nozzles and round baking mold determines the wrapper size. Biroq, the thickness of wrapper is adjustable by recipe and nozzles distance to the round baking mold.

Our egg roll making machine models has output ranging from 500pcs/h to 7000pcs/h. So they can meet the demand from central kitchen, restaurants and food factories.

Bundan tashqari, there are two heating methods to choose, gas heating crepe maker and electric crepe making machine. The gas heating machine is popular to use where there is no industrial three phase electricity or gas resource is convenient and cheaper. Biroq, the electric heating baking machine is more easy, convenient to use and energy saving.

Ko'proq narsa, we also have fully automatic spring roll production line, automatic samosa sheet machine, spring roll wrapper production line to meet customer production need.

Automatic Crepe Making Machine Processing Flow

Full crepe egg roll skin wrapper production line includes

  • Batter Mixer
  • Crepe Pancake Egg Roll Skin Wrapper Forming Machine
  • Konveyerni hisoblash va to'plash
And crepe forming machine contains the batter tank and feeding system, drum baking oven, dough sheet scrapper and cooling conveyor. Shu sababli, if customer do not take the counting and stacking conveyor, they can use the dough sheet forming machine to bake the crepe wrapper, and then pick up crepe manually.

Automatic spring roll wrapper Crepe Pancake Wrapper Maker

Spring Roll Lumpia Wrapper Machine Features

Durable Baking Roller and Not Deformed During Heating

We use steel alloy as material for baking roller. Because the alloy casting materials increases strength, hardness, wear resistance, and toughness than normal iron. Shu sababli, the baking roller is not deformed in continuous heating and has long service life.

Quality Material and Qualified Made

The machine is food grade 304 Zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan materiallar. Va 304 Zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan plastmassaning qalinligi 5 mm gacha. Bundan tashqari, we use well-known brands servo motors, pheumatic components, processing components, bearings ec to make sure the machine more durable to use.

Va raqamli lazer kesish bilan, Biz har bir qismli materialni aniq o'lchamlar bilan olamiz. Bundan tashqari, Oziq-ovqat darajasi to'liq payvandlash va chirishsiz davolash, Mashina yuzasi silliq va yaxshi apparat.


Biz Lumpia Croma-ning Samosavarion Samaraga bahor rulon mashinasini shakl bilan sozlashimiz mumkin, Bu dumaloq shakl bo'ladimi, to'rtburchaklar shakli yoki kvadrat shaklida. Bundan tashqari, Bundan tashqari, xamirning qalinligi va o'lchamini sozlashimiz mumkin.

Bundan tashqari, we are able to customize baking molds with one lane, two lanes, three lanes etc according to round wrapper size. This is to maximize the capacity of automatic crepe wrapper production line, or automatic crepe wrapper forming machine.

avtomatik krep mashinasi tijorat Lumpia o'rash tuxum rulosi terisi bahor rulonli o'rash ishlab chiqarish liniyasi
Automatic Crepe Wrapper Production Line
Crepe Pancake Baking Machine automatic lumpia wrapper machine
Automatic Crepe Wrapper Forming Machine

High Automation and User Friendly Controls

Automatic spring roll wrapper production line has PLC control system. The users could set baking temperature for the wrappers, and adjust baking speed, conveyor speed according to need. Then the production line automatically feeds the batter paste to baking drum, pishirish, counting, stacking and cooling. It greatly save working force and easy to control even by new users.

Gigiena va xavfsizlik

Spring roll wrapper crepe maker are designed with hygiene in mind. So, we build the machine with easy-to-clean surfaces and 304 stainless steel materials that resist the growth of bacteria.

Automatic Crepe Maker machine Parameter

Here is technical data on both electric crepe wrapper maker automatic and gas heating crepe maker.

Ha. isitish tsilindridan360mm500mm800mm1200mm
Mashinaning o'lchami4.3*0.8*1.35m4.7*0.95*1.58m5.2*1.1.5m6.2*1.2*1.6m
Elektr energiyasini iste'mol qilish6.0KVt yoki gaz13.2KVt yoki gaz38kVt yoki gaz59kVt yoki gaz
Xost Power0.75Kvant0.75Kvant0.75Kvant0.75Kvant
Quvvatni kesish0.55kvant0.55Kvant0.55Kvant0.55Kvant
Kamar kuchi0.18kvant0.55Kvant0.55Kvant0.55Kvant
N. Shilmoq.320kg800kg1000Kg1500Kg
Varaq hajmi ( Maks.)aylana:180mmaylana:270mmaylana:430mmaylana: 580mm
Varaqning qalinligi0.3-2.0mm0.3-2.0mm0.3-2.0mm0.3-2.0mm
Ishlab chiqarish quvvati500-800PCS / H2000PCS / H4000PCS / H6000-7000p / h

Electric Crepe Wrapper Maker Automatic Manufacturer

Sifat mashinasi va xizmat ko'rsatishda kafolat

Bizning mashinamiz 12 Oyliklarning sifati kafolati va butun hayotni texnik ta'minlash.

Bundan tashqari, Biz dastur va xizmatni taklif qilamiz, Retseptni almashish, Ishlab chiqarish to'g'risida maslahat bering, va butun hayot ehtiyot qism xizmati.

Mijoz uchun ko'proq qiymat

DT Ovqat mashinalari to'liq ishlab chiqarish liniyasining to'liq eritmasini taklif etadi, Sizning oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ishga tushirish va muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun sizga bahorgi rulon retseptlari.

Bundan tashqari, Biz qadoqni bajara olamiz, Talabga binoan mijozning saytiga etkazib berish.

Crepe Wrapper Maker Automatic for Sale

Lumpia Wrapper Making Machine

DT brand industrial Crepe pancake maker machine or automatic egg roll machine is a well-known brand in the market.

Model va tikilgan komponentlar

Mijozlar biznesining imkoniyatlariga erishish uchun, Bizda soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga soatiga 7000 donadan iborat turli xil modellar mavjud.

And we accept the customized brands requirements for electrical and pneumatic components to meet each food factory requirement.

Vazifalar va konfiguratsiya

The crepe egg roll wrapper maker is required to meet each customer end product, o'rash hajmi jihatidan, shakl, qalinlik.

Shu sababli, when choosing DT commercial crepe making machine, it may help by knowing the production capacity of your need, va bir o'lchamli xamiringiz shakli, Mashinalar va zavod kuchlanishlari uchun afzal ko'rgan isitish usuli va hokazo.

Hozir, Texnik mutaxassisimiz bilan suhbatlashish va ko'proq maslahat olish uchun xush kelibsiz.

How to buy crepe wrapper maker automatic?

We have different models of crepe wrapper making machine with output 500pcs/h to 7000pcs/h. And we have electric heating machine and gas heating machine to choose. Bundan tashqari, to meet different budget, even same model with same heating method, we have fully automatic production line including counting and stacking conveyors, but also forming machine alone to bake the wrapper and allow worker to collect wrapper manually.

Shu sababli, welcome to talk with our specialist and share with us your end product and business plan. Then we will recommend suitable machine models for you.

Tegishli mashinalar

ARTORI BUYURTMA ISHLARI, lumpia wrapper machine, Samosa varaqasi xamir mashinasi.

Spring roll making machine
Spring roll making machine
lumpia shanghai wrapping machine
lumpia shanghai wrapping machine


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