Tezda noodle ishlab chiqarish liniyasi

Instant Noodle Production Line Automatic fried Maggi Instant Noodle Line Indomie Noodle Line

Tezkor noodle liniyasi
Biz bilan bog'lanish

Instant noodle production line includes raw materials pumping, measuring and weighing system, mixing and dough ripening, noodle making, steaming, frying or drying, sovutish, packing system etc.

Ariza: Fried Instant Noodle, Ramen Noodle, Maggi Noodle, Indomie Noodle, Non-Fried Instant Noodle,

Sig'im: 11,000 Bags/8Hours to 260,000 Bags/8Hours (60g for example)

Instant Noodle Production Line Application

Instant Noodle Production Line is a modern manufacuring way to produce delicious, high-quality instant noodles at high capacity, low consumption and high automation.

And automatic noodle line 200,000 bags/8hrs (60g) is widely used in instant noodle manufacturers who prefer the large-scale of Instant Ramen. And indomie instant noodle making machines 100,000 bags/8hrs are suitable for food processing plants that specialize in the production of various types of noodles and pasta. What is ore, our small maggi noodle production lines 11000bag/8hrs are new business ideas for catering companies who requires high quality noodles, retail and wholesale who intend to diversify their product range.

Bundan tashqari, the instant noodle lines could make fried instant noodle, non-fried instant noodle, maggi noodles, indomie noodle, round shape noodle cake, noodle bricks, square noodle cake etc with noodle cake weight from 30g to 120g and customizable.

And our instant noodle packing machine could do bag type package, cup noodle package and pack instant noodle in tray.

instant noodle square shape
instant noodle square shape
instant noodle square shape
instant noodle square shape
instant noodle package
instant noodle package
cup noodle
cup noodle
instant noodle in tray
instant noodle in tray

Fried Instant Noodle Production Line Introduction

Instant Noodles Production Line Description

Instant Ramen production line includes raw materials pumping system, ingredients measuring and weighing system, wheat flour mixing and dough ripening, noodle making system, noodle steaming system, noodle cake frying system (fried instant noodle) or drying system (non-fried instant noodle), cooling system, packing system etc. Besisdes, the seasoning and saurce making and packing solution is also available upon customer request.

Fully Automatic Instant Noodle Plant Main Function

PLC Program Control: Provides whole instant noodle production process from ripening to cooling, with seamless operation and easy troubleshooting.

Soaking Flavoring Technology: Enhances the taste and aroma of noodles, making them more appetizing and delicious.

Touch Screen Delivery Presetting: Enables operators to preset delivery parameters with ease, ensuring precision and consistency throughout the production process.

Photoelectric Tracking: Utilizes photoelectric sensors to monitor and adjust the production line in real-time, ensuring optimal performance and product quality.

Frequency Control: Allows for smooth acceleration and deceleration of the production line, reducing wear and tear on equipment and maintaining consistent product quality.

Instant Noodle Processing Line Specification

Steaming and Frying Method: Elektr isitish / Gas Heating /Boiler Heating, depending on production line model and customer requirement.

Mashinalar materiallari: Oziq-ovqat darajasi 304 Zanglamaydigan po'latli materiallar, eng yaxshi sifat

Yog 'isitish harorati: 0℃ 300 ℃ dan (farangeyt 32 ° F ga qadar) 572.0 ° FIL

Sig'im: 11,000 bags/ 8hrs, 20,000 bags/8hrs, 30,000 bags /8hrs, 60,000 bags/8hrs, 80,000 bags/8hrs, 100,000bags /8hrs, 120,000bags/8hrs, 160,000bags/8hrs, 200,000basg/8hrs, 260,000bags/8hrs and higher capacity customizable. (taken 60g noodle for example, the production line capacity varies according to desired noodle cake dimension and weight)

Noodle Cake Shape: Round shape, brick noodle, square noodle shape.

Noodle Cake Weight: 30g to 120g and accept customized.

Paket turi: in plastic bag, bowl, cup, plastic tray.

Fried Instant Noodle Production Line Flow Chart

Small Scale Instant Noodle Plant Process Flow

Instant Noodle Machine Features

1. Xamir aralashmasi

Elliptic Blade Double-Shaft Double-Speed Dough Maker

Ensures consistent dough curing with a large amount of water, therefore, the noodles are smooth texture and good elasticity.

Xamir aralashmasi
Xamir aralashmasi

2.Instant Ramen Sheeter and Forming

9 Pairs of Chilled Hard Alloy Rollers:

Making precise pressing and shaping of noodles,and ensuring a uniform thickness and texture of noodle strands.

Noodle Pressing and Forming
Noodle Pressing and Forming

3. Instant Noodle Steaming Tunnel

Using water seal, no leakage. It is independent drive and there is no need the turn off machine when adjusting the length of dough.

Steaming Tunnel
Steaming Tunnel

4. Ramen Noodle Frying Tunnel

Automatic Frying Temperature Control: Maintaining a consistent oil frying temperature, which makes golden-brown noodles with a perfect crunch.

Noodle Frying Tunnel
Noodle Frying Tunnel

Instant Noodle Maker Parameter

Sig'im (60g Noodle)KuchSteam ConsumptionO'lchov (single layer steamer)
O'lchov (multi- layer steamer)

Indomie Making Machine Manufacturer


Oziq-ovqat texnikasi zavodi

30 yillar r&D tarixi

Barqaror mashinasozlik ishi

Vaqtni etkazib berish bo'yicha


12 Oyliklarning sifat kafolati

Butun hayotni texnik qo'llab-quvvatlash va ehtiyot qismlar xizmati


Ishlatgandan so'ng operatsiyadan keyin, parvarishlash.

Zavodda liniya yoki o'chirish bo'yicha bepul mashg'ulotlar

Mijozning zavodida onzit o'rnatish

Umumiy biznes Yangi biznesni rejalashtiruvchini rejalashtirdi.

Xaridor mamlakatiga etkazib berish xizmatlari

Noodle factroy design, recipe providing, and seasoning and packing solution providing.

Instant Noodle Machine Price

We have professional technical engineer team and product develope team to updgrating our production line for higher efficency, kamroq ishlab chiqarish va undan yaxshiroq foydalanish. Bundan tashqari, Biz mijozlarga o'z biznesining to'g'ri echimini tushunamiz va tezda javob beramiz.

You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a instantnoodle production solution and quote.

Tegishli mashinalar

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