Yong'oq yog'i mashinasi eman yog'i ishlab chiqarish liniyasi yong'oq yog'i mashinasi
Peanut butter machine is industrial processing machines for various nuts butter through roasting, po'choq, silliqlash, ingredients mixing, vacuum degassing, butter filling , labeling etc.
Raw materials: Peanut Butter, Cashew Nut Butter, Almond Butter, Sesame Tahini, and other nuts.
Sig'im: 100kg/h to 1000kg/h, more capacity available to clients’ demand.
Peanut Butter Machine Application
Peanut butter Machine is popular to use in nuts processing factory. As the peanut butter line can be designed and used to produce peanut butter, cashew nut butter, almond butter, sesame tahini, hummus, hazelnut butterand other nuts.
Bundan tashqari, nut butter grinder machine / Colloid Mill is also used for grinding nut butter, almond milk, soybean milk, kakao likyor, spices, bones like fish bones, shrimp skin etc.

Peanut Butter Production Line Introduction
Peanut Butter Maker Description
The peanut butter processing plant includes peanut roasting machine, cooling machine, peanut peeling machine, grinder for nuts, peanut butter machine, mixing tank, vaccum degassing machine, peanut filling machine, labeling machine etc.
Peanut butter processing line is designed according to the production process from raw materials to finished products, packaging methods, factory layout and usage scenarios, va hokazo. Shu sababli, we have small scale peanut butter making machine with capacity 100kg/h and industrial automatic peanut butter making machine upto 1000kg/h.
Nut Butter Maker Machine Specification
Heating for Nut Roaster Machine: Elektr isitish / Gaz isitish
Mashinalar materiallari: Oziq-ovqat darajasi 304/316 Zanglamaydigan po'latli materiallar, eng yaxshi sifat
Qadoqlash eritmasi:Plastic bottle, glass jar, stand-up pouch, sachet, PP identifikatori, va hokazo
Sig'im: 100KG/H to 1000KG/H (yuqori imkoniyatlar sozlanishi mumkin)
Kuchlanishi: 380V 50Hz 3Fraes / 220V 50Hz bitta bosqich, va moslashtirilgan kuchlanish tezligi
Peanut Butter Production Line Flow Chart

Butter Production Line Features
1. Automatic peanut roasting machine
The automatic nut roaster is built with roasting and cooling in one. And roasting temperature and time is adjustable. Ko'proq narsa, temperature control is precise, therefore, the roasted nuts are of uniform color.
There are electric nut roasting machine and gas heating roaster. And this auto nut roaster is energy saving and easy cleaning.

2. Peanut Peeling Machine
The nut pealing machine is for peanut peeling after roasting.
And it is of high automation and high peeling rate.
Bundan tashqari, the nuts skin collection devices is an optional solution to keep production site clean.

3. Colliod Mill
The colloid mill is a multifunction grinder, professional for peanut butter, soybean milk, cashew nut butter, fish bones etc.
For fine grinded peanut butter, it needs to go through fine grinding and homogenization with end butter 100mesh.

4. Peanut Butter Mixing and Degassing Tanks
Mixing tanks is allow well mixed of peanut butter with other ingredients to achieve desired flavors. And the mixer tank capacity can be designed from 50L to 1000L and more larger volume can be designed.
Degassing machine is used to remove the gas from the butter liquid. This gives fine appearance to the butter.

Peanut Butter Processing Line Parameter
We are able to customize the nut butter line according to need. And here is parameter on 200kg/h peanut butter manufacturing plant for reference.
Ism | O'lchov | Quvvat iste'moli |
Commercial nut roasting equipment | 3000*2200*1700mm | Motor Power 2.2kW |
Conveyor | 5000*900*850mm | 1.1kvant |
Cashew nut peeling machine | 1900*800*1400mm | 1.85kvant |
Ground nut mill | 830*440*1100 | 15Kvant |
Butter pumping System | 1500*250*250mm | 1.5kvant |
Butter cooling machine | 1000*1000*1700mm | 2.2kvant |
Semi-automatic Filling machine | 400*400*1400mm | 1.1kvant |
Industrial Peanut Production Line Advantage
- Highly mechanized, reliable performance
- Simple operation, stable running with low noise.
- Easy maintenance, and corrosion resistance.
- Produces high quality stable, granulated and pure peanut butter
- By adjusting and adding several machines, the peanut butter can can also process various nuts such as sesame, rapeseed, and almond, cashew nut and other materials.
Peanut Butter Machine Manufacturers
Oziq-ovqat texnikasi zavodi
30 yillar r&D tarixi
Barqaror mashinasozlik ishi
Vaqtni etkazib berish bo'yicha
12 Oyliklarning sifat kafolati
Butun hayotni texnik qo'llab-quvvatlash va ehtiyot qismlar xizmati
Ishlatgandan so'ng operatsiyadan keyin, parvarishlash.
Zavodda liniya yoki o'chirish bo'yicha bepul mashg'ulotlar
Mijozning zavodida onzit o'rnatish
Umumiy biznes Yangi biznesni rejalashtiruvchini rejalashtirdi.
Xaridor mamlakatiga etkazib berish xizmatlari
Peanut Machine Price
For small scale production, we have small nut roasting machine, small peanut peeling machine, and small nut grinder. Bundan tashqari, we also have fully automatic nut butter production line upto 1000kg/h.
Bundan tashqari, we are able to customize solution if you plan to produce other than one products from same peanut butter line.
You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a solution and quote.
Tegishli mashinalar
yerfıstıster mashinasi, Kakao fasol qovurish mashinasi, kakao silliqlash mashinasi