Máquinas de batatas fritas Máquinas de batatas fritas Linha automática de batatas fritas
Máquinas de batata frita are potato processing equipment from raw potato into crispy fried potato chips.
Automatic potato chips line contains potato washing and peeling machine, chips cutter machine, blanching machine for potatoes, potato chips dewatering machine, potato chips fryer, deoiling machine, cooling machine, potato chips seasoning machine, potato chips packing machine and its auxiliary equipment and functions to make the entire line fully automatic and working continuously.
Applied to: Potato chips, batatas fritas, plantain chips etc.
Capacidade: 50-100kg/hora, 100-150kg/hora, 200-250kg/hora, 350-400kg/hora, 450-500kg/hora, and higher capacity.
Potato Chip Machines Application
Máquinas de batata frita are used in potato chips factory with larger or medium size potato processing plant. Because of the high production efficiency and hygienic food,fully automatic potato chips line ensures the investors with less production cost and more market share, therefore gain better return of investment.
E, small scale potato chips making machine is good for food processing company who plan to start on small business.
Além do mais, machine for chips can also customized the line to make finger chips, chips de banana , chips de batata doce, etc..
Potato Chips Machine Introduction
Potato Chips Maker Description
Potato chips making machine is a potato processing solution on potato washing, peeling, blanching, fritar, seasoning and packing. And the chips lines is of high capacity, super efficiency with qualified and hygienic foods.
Embora para atender a diferentes demandas de negócios, we have designed semi-automatic potato chips production line with capacity 20-50kg/h or 50-100kg/h. Mas também projetamos máquinas totalmente automáticas de batatas fritas com capacidade de até 500KG / H e maior capacidade pode ser personalizada.
Potato Chips Maker Machine Specification
Método de aquecimento: Aquecimento elétrico / Aquecimento a Gás
Materiais da Máquina: Qualidade alimentar 304 materiais de aço inoxidável, melhor qualidade feita
Temperatura de aquecimento do óleo: 0℃ a 300 ℃ (Fahrenheit 32°F a 572.0 °F)
Proporção de batata e batata frita: 4 : 1 para referências.
Capacidade: 50KG/H to 500KG/H (higher capacity chips maker is able to be customized)
Requisito de espaço de fábrica: Podemos personalizar a linha de produção com base no tamanho da fábrica e na planta baixa.
Potato Chips Production Line Flow Chart
Potato Chip Production Line Features
Potato Peeling Machine
For mall scale chips production line, batch type potato peeling machines has more advantage of efficient washing and higher peeling rate than manual working.
And for fully automatic potato chips production line, it is necessory to take the continuous potato washing and peeling machine. Working with an elevator, it will realize the continuous raw potato feeding, lavar, peeling and discharge process.
Além do mais, the sprial type peeling machine push the potato foward and discharge from the other end to picking conveyor belts before slicing process.
Portanto, automatic potato peeling machine is used in medium and larger capacity potato chips production line.
Moreover, it is suitable for washing and peeling potato, sweet potato, cassava, ginger, onion, carrots etc.
Chips Slicer Machine
Potato cutter machine can cut the potato slices with even thickness. And the slice thickness can be adjusted according to need.
Além do mais, there are different models of potato chip cutter machine based on production capacity and need.
Blanching Potatoes Before Frying
In an automatic potato chips production line with large capacity, the blanching machine plays important role to protect the chip color and remain goods taste.
Potato chips branching time is about 5 to15 minutes at hot water temperature 70℃ (158.0 °F)
There are continuous branching machine with gas heating and continuous branching machine with electric heating for customer to choose.
Além do mais, the branching machine is also not only good for branching potato chips, but also banana chips, french fries and other materials.
Potato dewatering machine
Air cooling machine removes the water and cool down the temperature of branched potato chips before frying.
And to have better effect, a vibrating deoiling macine is necessory to be used before air drying and dewatering conveyor belt.
Potato Frying Machine
For small scale potato chips plant, the semi-automatic frying line is ideal choice which contains round the round pot frying.
No entanto, for automatic chips production plant, o máquina de fritar contínua is required to keep the frying time continuous working with larger capacity and less labors. And the fried chips needs to be higher quality with even fried color and good taste. Além do mais, the oil refill system, oil recycle system, oil filtering system and machine self cleaning system will greatly improve the production efficiency, prolong oil usage and bettter quality chips.
Deoiling Machine
Vibrating Deoiling machine is neccessory to remove oil on fried chips after frying.
Because, the fried chips from frying line normally carry some oils which cause the product oily and may polute the production floor. Portanto, the vibrating machine with oil receiving plates is good to deoiling the oil from chips surface and keep the production site clean.
O que é mais, during vibrating process, the chips are moving foward and spread even to next process.
Máquina de resfriamento
Cooling conveyor is installed with ventilators blowing wind to chips. Therefore the chips temperature drop sharly by natural strong wind. This is important process before seasoning and packing process. Fully cooling chips will be more cripsy and have longer shelf life.
Optional design: windproof net is necessory to avoid chips blow off the conveyor belts.
And oil receiving plate under the cooling conveyor is optional to receive any addtional dropped oil from chips.
Máquina de tempero de batata frita
Drum type seasoning machine works with powder seasoning, spicy seasoning, sal, and can also be customized with oil spraying etc. according to production need.
For chips line, after cooling the chips, a conveyor is necessory to send the chips to seasoning drum continuously for mixing the seasonings with chips evenly.
And at the outlet, there are mesh design to allow addtional seasoning and waste falls out to a receiving plate. Due to that design, the chips is just with right amount of seasonings and great taste.
Packing Automatic Machine with Weighing, Filling and Bag Making
To pack chips into plastic bag automatically, the auto chips packing machine is ideal choice. Normalmente, auto chips packing machine shall include elevator, multi-head weigher, flatform, bag making devices with date printing function, and an end product conveyor.
E, for packing chips, nitrogen function is necessory to keep chips with long shelf life and provide protection during transportation.
O que é mais, the chips packing machine has advantage of high efficiency, accurate weighing, and working continuous with chips production line.
Parâmetro da máquina fabricante de batatas fritas
Fully automatic potato chips production line DT-PC-500, capacity 450-500kg/h for reference.
Nome | Consumo de energia | Taxa de tensão |
Elevator with bunker | 0.75 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Potato washing and peeling machine | 4.75 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Picking Conveyor | 0.75 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Potato Chip cutter machine | 1.1 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Blanching Machine | 70 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Vibrating dewatering machine | 1.5KW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Air cooling dehydration line | 15 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Elevator Conveyor before frying | 0.75 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Potato chips frying machine | 204.5 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Vibrating deoiling machine | 1.5 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Air cooling drying line | 8 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Eelvator to seasoning | 0.75 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Seasoning Machine | 1.5 kW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Fully automatic potato chips packing machine | 6.5KW | 380V 50HZ 3PH, able to customize |
Potato Chips Line Manufacturer
Vantagem da fábrica de máquinas de fritar
Fábrica completa de máquinas para alimentos
30 anos R&História D
Desempenho estável de máquinas
Entrega no prazo
12 Meses de Garantia de Qualidade
Suporte técnico vitalício e serviço de peças de reposição
Suporte pós-venda em operação, manutenção.
Treinamento gratuito on-line ou off-line na fábrica
Instalação no local na fábrica do cliente
Consultoria geral de negócios para novo planejador de negócios.
Serviços de entrega para o país do comprador
Potato Chips Production Line Price
Temos uma equipe profissional de engenheiros técnicos e uma equipe de desenvolvimento de produtos para atualizar nossa linha de produção para maior eficiência, menos produção e melhor satisfação do usuário. Além do mais, entendemos e respondemos rapidamente às necessidades dos clientes com a solução certa para seus negócios.
You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a frying solution and quote.
Máquinas Relacionadas
Linha de produção de batatas fritas, linha de produção de chips de banana, linha de fritura de penautas. fritadeira contínua, small scale potato chips production line