Nut Roaster

Nut Roaster Peanut Roaster Cocoa Roasting Machines

Máquina de torrefação de cacau Máquinas de sorvete DT Food Machine

Nut roaster is commercial use roasting and drying machine used in food processing factory.

The drum type peanut roaster is not only suitable for various nuts, como amendoins, almond, cashew nut, pistachio, sunflower seed, melon seeds but also for beans like cocoa beans, coffee beans etc.

Capacidade: 100kg/h to 200kg/h

Método de aquecimento: Electric heating or Gas Heating

Nut Roaster Roasting Machine Application

Nut roaster is ideal ovens in food production, complied with superior standards, CE approved. And the roasted products are superior in flavor and quality.

The drum type roasting and drying machines is speially designed for nuts and beans. And it is not only suitable for various nuts, como amendoins, almond, cashew nut, pistachio, sunflower seed, melon seeds but also for beans like cocoa beans, coffee beans etc.

And the nut roaster has become ideal choice for commercial use in small scale, but also for industrial food production line, like cocoa production line, peanut butter production line etc.

peanuts nut roaster machine
peanuts nut roaster machine
Cashew Nut Almond Nut
Cashew Nut Almond Nut
grãos de cacau
grãos de cacau

Peanut Roasting Machine Introduction

Nuts Roaster Description

Nuts roaster is ideal choice for roasting various nuts and beans. And our design concept for this nuts roasting machine is to produce homogeneously roated nuts with exceptional quality and good taste at high efficiency. And the drum type roaster adopts advanced radiation and air convection technologies so that nuts and beans are roasted evenly from all sides. These technologies not only preserves natural oils and nutrients of nuts and beans but also enchance their flavor with good taste.

And the nuts roaster is quite easy to operate with adjustable roasting temperature and time settings. Portanto, our users can customie the roasting process according to their preferences. Além do mais, our roasting machne is built with sturdy construction and durable materials which ensures long lasting performance and reliability. All these advantages make our drum type roasting machine popular not only in commercial use but also industrial use.

Cashew Nut Roaster Specification

Heating for Nut Roaster Machine: Aquecimento elétrico / Aquecimento a Gás

Material da máquina : Stainless streel materials, complied to food processing standard.

Roasting Temperature: 0 to 300℃ (32 °F to 572.0 °F)

Capacidade: 100Kg/h a 200 kg/h (higher capacity is available by another automatic roaster)

Tensão: 380V 50 Hz 3 fases / 220V 50HZ monofásico, e taxa de tensão personalizada

Cashew Nut Roaster Features

  1. Convenient to use and simple to operate. The roaster is designed with drum construre inside to roate the raw materials automatically. Além do mais, after roasting, there is the automatic discharge function to allow roasted nuts drop to cooling chart automatically.
  2. Fast roasting temperature heating up, good thermal insulation properties to ensure lower power consumption and stable heating performance.
  3. The heat radiation and air convection ensure the nuts are roasted in all side, resuilting in high quality and great taste of roasted nuts.
  4. Roasting temperature is adjusted from 0 to 300℃ (32 °F to 572.0 ° f ) and roasting time is set according to need. Portanto, the roasting machine is suitable for various beans and nuts and frying fruits.
  5. Peanut roasting equipment is built with food grade materials, durable to use at efficiency.
cocoa bean roaster

Hazel Nut Roasting Machine Parameter

Electric Nut Roaster

Modelo Potência de aquecimentoMotor PowerMachine sizeCapacidadePeso

Gas Heating Cashew Nut Roaster

ModeloGas ConsumptionMotor PowerMachine size CapacidadePeso

Nuts Roasting Machine Manufacturers


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Instalação no local na fábrica do cliente

Consultoria geral de negócios para novo planejador de negócios.

Serviços de entrega para o país do comprador

Peanut Roaster Machine Price

We are pleased to recommend you suitable model of nut roasting machine to create more value for your business. Além do mais, we are also able to recommend the whole plant solution based on your raw materials, output per hour, factory layout, end product packages etc.

Você é muito bem-vindo para entrar em contato com nossa equipe agora para uma solução e orçamento.

Linha de produção de manteiga de amendoim
Linha de produção de manteiga de amendoim
Linha de processamento de cacau em pó
Linha de processamento de cacau em pó

Can you roast grain beans in a nut roaster?

The nut roasting machine can automatically roast well on soybeans, grãos de cacau, corn, wheat, sorghum, Oats, buckwheat, red beans, mung beans, black beans, amendoim, garbanzo beans, broad beans, rice, millet etc

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máquina torradora de amendoim, máquina de torrar grãos de cacau, máquina de moer cacau




