Automatic Spring Roll Machine

Automatic Spring Roll Machine Lumpia Machine 1500 руу 2000 pieces an hour 15g to100g

automatic spring roll machine DT Food Machine Factory
Бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу

Automatic spring roll machine simulates a handmade rolling mechanism and automate the spring roll production with output 1500 pieces to 9000 цагийн хэсгүүд.

Automatic Lumpia Machine DT-SR2000 is able to make lumpia or vegetable spring rolls, cocktail spring rolls, chicken spring rolls, beef spring roll, shrimp spring rolls, fresh spring rolls, spring roll frozen,fried rolls etc

Хүчин чадал: 1500 руу 2000 цагийн хэсгүүд

Материал: Food grade stainless steel 304.

Хоол арга цэг: Electric heating 380V 50HZ 3ph, transformer is needed for different voltage.

Automatic Spring Roll Machine Application

What is a Spring Roll?

A spring roll is a thin pastry wrapper filled with various ingredients such as vegetables, spiced meat, creamy potatoes or seafood, bean paste etc, then folded and rolled. Spring rolls are either fried or baked until crispy. Originating in China, spring rolls have evolved and are now popular worldwide, with variations like egg rolls called in America, lumpia (in the Philippines), and samosas (in South Asia). They are often served as appetizers or snacks, pairing perfectly with dips and sauces.

These delicate, fried or baked spring rolls stuffed with savory fillings are a staple in many restaurants and homes. Гэсэн хэдий ч, the traditional method of making spring rolls by hand is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Our automatic spring roll egg roll lumpia machine simulates a handmade rolling mechanism and automate the production process with efficiency and perfection.

Spring rolls production line Lumpia Shanghai Maker
Chinese Spring Rolls-automatic spring roll machine
fried spring roll egg roll Lumpia Shanghai Mkaer
Fresh Veggie Spring Rolls-Automatic spring roll making machine
Cocktail spring rolls -automatic spring roll maker
large spring roll machine making spring roll

Who will be needing spring roll machine?

Spring roll making machine is versatile and find applications in various settings:

  • Food Manufacturing Plants: Perfect for large-scale production. Ба Spring Roll Machine DT-SR4000, үйлдвэрлэх 3500 руу 4000 pieces of spring rolls per hour, and DT-SR8000, 7000 pieces to 8000pieces an hour meeting the demands of food manufacturers.
  • Restaurants and Food Service Providers: For eateries looking to offer fresh, homemade spring rolls without the labor cost, spring roll machines are an ideal solution. They ensure consistent quality and reduce preparation time. While the Spring roll making machine DT-SR2000 is popular choice among restaurants in Europe like France, UK, Germany
spring roll central kitchen
spring roll food factory

Automatic Spring Roll Machine Lumpia Machine Introduction

Automatic Spring Roll Machine Lumpia Machine Egg Roll Machine

The spring roll making machine is a technological marvel that automates the production of spring rolls. The automatic spring roll production line includes batter mixer, spring roll wrapper machine, spring roll filling machine, spring roll folding machine, spring roll rolling machine. These machines leverage advanced engineering to replicate the manual process with precision and speed, transforming a labor-intensive task into a streamlined, industrial-scale operation.

Spring roll maker or lumpia maker can customized spring rolls or lumpia weight 15g to 100g. Түүнээс гадна, it also customize for different sizes, for example the mini spring rolls dia. 2cm and length 5cm, and large spring rolls dia. 5cm and length 20cm. Other weight and size can be customized. Гэсэн хэдий ч, one production line is normally customized for one size and one weight of spring rolls to keep end product uniform and consistancy.

Илүү юу байна, automatic spring roll maker can make spring rolls with a variety of ingredients, such as vegetable and meat fillings, read bean paste fillings, Indian-style creamy potatoes, Middle Eastern spiced meat fillings, vegan spring rolls, or pure meat egg rolls in America.

Spring Roll Making Machine Flow Chart

Automatic spring roll maker includes batter mixer 100L, spring roll pastry baking machine, stuffing given devices, air blowing type folding devices, spring roll wrolling devices.

  • Batter Mixer / Batter beater: 100L volume
  • Wrapper Baking System: Includes batter storage tank, batter feeding and wrapper molding, and rotating baking Reel. The wrapper is customized and adnormal shape. Түүнээс гадна, thickness of wrapper is adjustable to meet desired weight of wrapper.
  • Stuffing Given part: Our advantage is to realize vegetable stuffings, meat stuffings and mixture of meat and vegetable stuffings together in one production line, by changing the stuffing mold. Илүү юу байна, the stuffing amount is adjustable to get perfect ratio of pastry and stuffings.
  • Air blowing folding devices: It decides the length of spring rolls, so it is adjustable too so as meet length of spring rolls.
  • Spring Roll Rolling Devices: There are wheels on this part to adjust diameter of spring rolls.

There is control box and PLC control pannel to set baking time, speed, stuffing amount automatically. Тийм болохоор, normally, we customize the automatic spring roll making machine at factory to based on customer recipe, spring roll weigh and size. All these data set and programmed in computer so that customer can operate and run the production easily.

Fully Automatic Spring Roll Egg Roll Production Line Flow Chart

Automatic Spring Roll Maker Specification

Machine Name and Model: DT spring roll automatic machine/ spring roll machine for sale DT-SR2000

Хүчин чадал: 1500pcs to 2000pcs an hour (taken 35to 40g spring roll size dia. 2.6сүүдэр, length 9cm)

Материал: Food grade stainless steel materials 304.

Water Proof grade: IPX5 (except baking part)

Хоол арга цэг: Цахилгаан халаалт

Хүчдэл: 380V 50HZ 3ph. different voltage needs transformer.

Wrapper Shape: Abnormal shape customized.

Spring Roll Weight: 15g to 100g, тохируулах боломжтой.

Stuffing Materials: Needs paste type stuffings, such as bean paste stuffing, meat and vegetable stuffings, vegetable stuffings, cheese stuffings, chicken stuffings etc.

Remark: For vegetable stuffings, they needs to be dewatered vegetables to avoid water dripping during stuffing giving process which might leads to inaccuracy in spring roll weight.

Spring Roll Machine Maker Lumpia Making Machine Parameter

Зуурмагийн холигч 100л



Mixing Speed

Хүчин чадал

380V 50HZ 3ph


Up to 2900r/min

100L /Batch (15min)

Spring roll maker machine Model DT-SR2000


Халаасаа гаргаж


Stable Capacity


Net Weight

380V 50HZ 3ph


0.6 to 0.8mpa

1500-2000PCS / H



Automatic Spring Roll Making Machine Features

Өндөр чанарын зардал:

Compared to traditional manual wrapping, automatic spring roll machines can produce a large number of spring roll wrappers in a short period of time, greatly improving production efficiency. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for the catering industry and food processing industry.

Precise Control:

Modern automatic spring roll machines are equipped with advanced control systems(PLC control system) that can precisely control key parameters such as baking temperature and humidity, ensuring the stability of spring roll wrapper quality, stuffing amount to keep sure the end spring roll weight accurate and uniform shape. The precise control guarantees the taste and appearance of spring rolls but also reduces waste.

Diverse Design

DT automatic spring roll machines are customizable special specifications, to make mini spring rolls to giant spring rolls, and different stuffings like vegetables, meat, banana paste, and mixture of vegetable and meat etc. Түүнээс гадна, we have developed models to cover different production ranging from 1000pcs to 2000pcs per hour, 3000 to 4000pcs per hour, 6000 to 7000pcs per hour, 8000 to 9000pcs per hour and higher.

Adjustable Settings

Adjustable settings is customized to meet different customer requirement on size of the spring rolls, the amount of filling, and even the tightness of the wrap, ensuring versatility and precision.

Эрүүл ахуй, аюулгүй байдал

Spring roll machines are designed with hygiene in mind. The machine is designed and made with food grade 304 зэвэрдэггүй ган материал, and waterproof grade IP5 allow water spray to clean the machine from all direction (except baking machine). Easy-to-clean surfaces and materials is to resist the growth of bacteria. Нэмж хэлэхэд, there are two worker needed to regularly feed batter and stuffings, adjust parameter and monitor the working process in this line. Эцэст нь энэ нь хоол хүнсээр хүний ​​холбоо барихыг багасгадаг, бохирдлын эрсдлийг бууруулах.


Investing in spring roll making machines will be paid back soon by its increased production efficiency, хөдөлмөрийн зардлыг бууруулсан, хүнсний хог хаягдлыг багасгах

Automatic Spring Roll Maker Mini Spring Roll Machine Manufacturer

1. Чанарын тууштай байдал:spring roll making machines produces uniform and accurate size and weight of spring rolls.

2. Durable and Stable in working. It ensure the production capacity and less maintenance cost.

3. Guarantee in service: The machine enjoy 12 сарын чанарын баталгаа. Түүнээс гадна, we offer Installation Guide, service and whole life technical support, амьдралын бүхий л амьдрал.

4. More value to customer: DT food machine offers complete production line machine solution, болон Хаврын өнхрөх боолтын жор, амжилтанд хүрэхэд тань туслах болно.

Our fully automatic spring roll making machine is popular to use in Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, France, United States, Austrilia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Argentina etc. Түүнээс гадна, the spring roll wrapper production line, lumpia wrapper machine and samosa sheet making machine is also very demanding in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Italy etc.

DT Spring Roll Making Machine Price Spring Roll Machine for Sale

When it comes to automatic spring roll making machines, “DT Spring Roll Machineis a well-known brand in the market, and the price of DT Spring Roll Machine is not fixed and is according to following factors.

Загвар, тохируулсан бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг

Хэрэглэгчийн бизнесийн хүчин чадлыг хангах, we have different models with production ranged from 1000pcs an hour to 9000pcs an hour and higher. Бид хүнсний үйлдвэрийн шаардлагыг хангахын тулд цахилгаан болон пноматик бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүдэд зориулсан цахилгааны захиалгын шаардлагыг хүлээн зөвшөөрч байна. They affect the spring roll making machines price greatly.

Функц ба тохиргоо

Spring roll maker is required to meet each customer end product, in terms of spring roll size, weight and various stuffing materials requirement. For special size of spring roll, and stuffing materials, the spring roll machine function is required customized to meet these requirements. Additional customized cost is required. Түүнээс гадна, due to customer factory site or kitchen space limit, we have to design the production line layout to meet same.

Тиймээс, when choosing DT Spring Roll Machine, you should consider the production capacity of your need, the stuffing materials and end product dimension and weight etc. and your factory voltage and space factors. Communicate with our technical specialist and get more consultancy now.

How to use spring roll automatic machine ?

The use of fully automatic spring roll machine enable making spring roll simple and efficient. And user shall follow the user manual and operation book. Here is production process in spring roll making factory

Machine preparation

Place the spring roll machines on stable and ground level floor, connected to stable power source. Run few trial tests on each function before officially starch production.
According to the instructions, the well mixed batter is added to batter tank, and preheat the the spring roll sheet making machine about 30 минут, and the specific time may vary by model.

Food preparation

The freshness and hygiene of the ingredients greatly affect the quality and taste of spring rolls. Тиймээс, the ingredients must be carefully selected, vegetable washed, meat grinded. Vegetable stuffings needs to be dewatered and meat needs to be without fiber, this to ensure the consistent stuffings giving and accurate in end product weight.

Operation technique

When all is ready to go, all the operation shall follow the operation book and adopt preset parameter and settings.

With the above steps and precautions, you can easily use the automatic spring roll mechanism to make delicious spring rolls.

Which flour is best for spring roll ?

Spring roll wrapper is super thin in thickness, smooth in surface, and egg-less wrapper. And Ingredients are wheat flour or rice flour, давс, and water.

The Low-gluten flour is referred to use in automatic spring roll wrapper forming machine. Low-gluten wheat flour refers to wheat flour with a moisture content of 13.8% and a crude protein content of less than 9.5%.

Холбоотой машинууд

Fully automatic spring roll production line DT-SR4000, Spring roll pastry machine, Lumpia wrapper production line, mini spring roll fryer.

spring roll production line vegetable spring rolls meat spring rolls
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Lumpia Wrapper Production Line lumpia ороох машин
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automatic mini fryer spring roll frying machine




