Batch fryer round pot fryer

Багц шарагч Дугуй тогоо хайруулын машин төмсний чип шарсан мах

төмсний чипс шарагч
Бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу

Batch Fryer Round Pot Frying Machine is an automatical frying system, from batch of raw materials input, шарсан, mixing, deoiling and discharging.

Round pot batch frying machine is used to fry potato chips,баняа, french fries, chinchin biscuit, shallots, dried fish, pork rinds, Сам хорхойн жигнэмэг, дуу уг Газмаг, chicken nuggets etc.

Хүчин чадал: 100kg/h to 200kg/h acc. янз бүрийн загвар руу

Халуушны эх үүсвэр: Electricity, Gas/LPG gas, Diesel to choose

Материал: Food grade stainless steel 304

Batch Fryer Application

Batch fryer is common to use in small and medium food processing factories and central kitchens. And it is ideal choice for frying various nuts, vegetable, meat and pastry product, such as peanuts, cashew самар, onion rings, french fries, plantain chips, төмсний чипс, corn seeds, kurkures, хавар шугамна, garri, cheese Dogs, pork rinds etc.

Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Nuggets
Fried Samosa
Fried Samosa
Spring Roll
Spring Roll
Fried noodle
Fried noodle
Fry fish skin
Fry fish skin
Onion fry
Onion fry
Sweet Potato Chip
Sweet Potato Chip
French fries french fries
French fries french fries

Round Pot Batch Frying Machine Introduction

Batch Frying Machine Description

Round Pot Frying Machine is a frying system including frying, mixing, draining oil and discharging fried food. Түүнээс гадна, automatic raw material hopper and its auto feeding function could be added to automatic round pot fryers upon production requirement.

Apart from the automatic system design, batch frying machines is also frequently customized to work with other machines in batch type potato chips production line, peanut frying line, banana chips frying line гэх мэт.

To match different heating source from each food processing factories, we have electric heating round pot frying machine, Gas heating round pot frying machine and diesel fryer for customer to choose.

Batch Round Pot Fryer Specification

Хоол арга цэг: Цахилгаан халаалт / Хийн халаалт / Diesel Heating

Машины материал: Хүнсний зэрэг 304 зэвэрдэггүй ган материал, хамгийн сайн чанарын хийсэн

Temperature Control: Have Automatic oil temperature control system

Oil Heating Temperature: 0℃ to 300℃ (Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )

Voltage Rate: 380V 50HZ 3phase and able to customize to meet different countrieselectricity.

Хүчин чадал: 50KG/H to 200KG/H (according to fryer machine models and raw materials)

Electric Batch Fryer Electric Round Pot Frying Machine Chips Fryer
Batch Fryer Electric Round Pot Fryer Chips Fryer
Хийн халаалтын дугуй тогоо шарсан мах самар Фрайер Фрайер Багц Fratch машин
Хийн халаалтын дугуй тогоо шарсан мах самар Фрайер Фрайер Багц Fratch машин
automatic stir fry machine with auto feeder
automatic stir fry machine with auto feeder Batch Fryer

Batch Type Round Pot Chips Fryer Features and Advantages

Round Frying Pot Design

Round pot fryer machines win its name for its apprarent features that the frying pot is round shape.

And the advantages for this design is to cause oil circulation when stirring device drives the material and oil to rotate, and the circular wall of the round pot can also promote the oil circulation. Түүнээс гадна, it is easier to clean the round pot after production for its circular design than rectangle batch frying pot.

Electric Batch Fryer Round Pot Frying Machine with Automatic Discharge
Round Pot Frying Machine

Automatic Stir Fryer

The automatic stir fry machine could separate raw materials and turning fried materials upside down during frying process and. And this function replace the traditional manual stiring process. It saves a lot labor and make sure the even color of fried foods.

Normally the stiring speed is fixed, however, if customer needs to have flexible mixing speed, we can customize on machine manufacturing.

Gas Batch Fryer Round Pot Frying Machine with Automatic Stir
Gas Batch Fryer Round Pot Frying Machine with Automatic Stir

Deep fryer Automatic Basket Lift , Drain Oil and Automatic Discharge

After each batch production, this batch deep fat fryer allows automatically lifting the frying basket / frying pot to drain oil, and discharge. Түүнээс гадна, the automatic feeding function with feeding hopper can be added to this frying machine. Тиймээс, it can greatly increase the production efficiency.

In a word, round pot frying machine greatly improve production capacity and save production cost.

Batch Fryer Electric Round Pot Fryer with feeding hopper
Batch Fryer Electric Round Pot Fryer with feeding hopper

Customizable to Meet Production Need

Round pot frying machine is able to customize and match the batch chips production line, peanut frying line, chinchin biscuit frying line, cashew nuts frying line etc.

байхад, for batch frying line, the round pot frying machine normally works with batch type deoiling machine bottom discharge type or up discharge type, цахилгаан оргүүр, seasoning machine, and packing machine etc.

Түүнээс гадна, the round pot fryer can also work with oil filtering system, oil reserve tank, and oil refill system to improve the oil quality and get longer shelf life products.

Batch Round Pot Frying Machine in Nuts Production Line Chips Production Line
Batch Round Pot Frying Machine in Nuts Production Line Chips Production Line

Potato Chips Batch Frying Machine Parameter

Electric Heating Round Pot Fryer

ЗагварХүчин чадал(кг)Хүч(kw)Жин(кг)Хэмжээ(мм)

Oil Temperature Range



0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )



0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )


0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )

Gas Heating Round Pot Fryer

ЗагварХүчин чадал(кг)Хүч(Kcal)Жин(кг)Хэмжээ(мм)

Oil Temperature Range



0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )



0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )


0-300 ℃(Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )

Batch Fryer Round Pot Frying Machine Manufacturer

Advantage of frying machine factory

Нэг цэгийн хүнсний машин үйлдвэрийн

30 жил Р&D түүх

Тогтвортой машин гүйцэтгэл

Цаг тухайд нь хүргэх


12 Сарын чанарын баталгаа

Цэвэр зардлын үед сэлбэг хэрэгслийн үйлчилгээ


Борлуулалтын дараах дэмжлэг ажиллаж байна, засвар үйлчилгээ.

Үйлдвэр дээр онлайн эсвэл офлайн үнэгүй сургалт

Хэрэглэгчийн үйлдвэрт газар дээр нь суурилуулах

Шинэ бизнес төлөвлөгч нарт бизнесийн ерөнхий зөвлөгөө өгдөг.

Худалдан авагчийн улс руу хүргэх үйлчилгээ

Гүн Фрайс зарна

We are pleased to quote you batch fryer machine price. And we promise to offer professional solution for you. No mater it is to about updating your frying production line or new business to start, we already be with you and guide you to satisfaction and success.

You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a frying solution and quote.

Холбоотой машинууд

Deep fryer basket frying machine, batch type potato chips production line, peanut frying line, chinchin production line

Double Fryer
Double Fryer
automatic mini fryer spring roll frying machine
automatic mini fryer spring roll frying machine




