Frozen french fries machine

Frozen French Fries Machine Automatic French Fries Processing Plant

Хөлдөөсөн шарсан төмс үйлдвэрлэх шугам Хөлдөөсөн шарсан төмсний машин
Бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу

French fries production line is an automatic and advanced production solution on processing potato into french fries.

Automatic french fries processing plant contains potato washing and peeling machine, french fries cutter machine, blanching machine, dewatering machine, french fries deep fryer machine, тос арилгах машин, cooling machine, quick freezer, automatic packing machine and its auxiliary equipments.

Applied to: Potato chips, амтат төмсний чипс, long plantain chips, french fries, fresh french fries, frozen french fries, plantain chips etc.

Хүчин чадал: 50-100кг/цаг, 200-250кг/цаг, 350-400кг/цаг, 500кг/цаг, 1000кг/цаг, 1500кг/цаг, 2000kg/h and customized capacity.

Frozen French Fries Production Line Application

Frozen french fries making machine is advanced solution for frozen french fries manufacturers. No watter it is automatic potato french fries machine production line for larger french fries factories, or small scale frozen french fries production line for medium size factory or new french fries factory. Our potato processing plants enable investors with good returns by greatly reducing labor, improving product quality, providing productivity and market share.

Frozen chips making machine is also popular among snack food manufacturers who want the line to make various chips, төмсний чипс гэх мэт, plantain chips, sweet potato chips etc. And Because of the seasonality of raw materials, they need a production line for off-season production to produce other products.

Potato Chips
Potato Chips
French Fries by frozen french fries production line
French Fries by frozen french fries production line
French fries fry by Frozen French Fries Machine
French fries fry by Frozen French Fries Machine
Plantain chip
Plantain chip
Banana Chip
Banana Chip

Frozen Potato Production Line Introduction

Frozen French Fries Production Line Description

Commercial french fries machine is a complete production line covering raw material washing and peeling machine, blanching machine, potato cutter, french fries fryer, quick freezer, automatic weighing and bagging machine.

And we customize potato processing plant to meet different business sizes. Тиймээс, we have semi automatic french fries production line for capacity 50kg per hour but also small scale french fries production line with output 100kg per hour, and fully automatic frozen french fries production line upto 2000kg per hour. Түүнээс гадна, we customize the french fries making machine with the capacity needed by customer.

French Fries Production Line For Sale Specification

Хоол арга цэг: Цахилгаан халаалт / Хийн халаалт

Машины материал: Хүнсний зэрэг 304 зэвэрдэггүй ган материал, хамгийн сайн чанарын хийсэн

Oil Heating Temperature: 0℃ to 300℃ (Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )

Хүчин чадал: 50KG/H to 2000KG/H (higher capacity is able to be customized)

Үйлдвэрийн талбайн шаардлага: Бид үйлдвэрийн хэмжээ, шалны төлөвлөгөөнд үндэслэн үйлдвэрлэлийн шугамыг өөрчилж болно.

Fully Automatic French Fries Machine Flow Chart

It includes small scale french fries production line semi-automatic and fully automatic french fries production line processing flow.

French Fries Production Line Flow Chart Frozen French Fries Machine

French Fries Machine Features

Potato Peeling Machine

This is washing and peeling machine continuous угаах, peeling and discharging.

Because the uneven and corrugated brushes is composed of stiff bristle brush and emery brush which enable to peel the potatoes completely.

Түүнээс гадна, the sprial type peeling machine push the potato foward and discharge from the other end to picking conveyor belts before slicing process.

Moreover, it is suitable for washing and peeling potato, sweet potato, cassava, ginger, onion, лууван гэх мэт.

Potato Washing and Peeling Machine Frozen French Fries Machine
Potato Washing and Peeling Machine Frozen French Fries Machine

French Fry Potato Cutter Machine Electric

potato french fries cutting machine is commercal french fries cutter with high output. And french sticks size 7*7mm, 8*8мм, 10*10мм, and custom-made can be changed by adjusting the blade.

French fries cutter machine is also suitable for other root vegetables, like carrots, cassava, гэх мэт.

The end product is smooth, uniform and free of breaks.

French Fries Slicer potato cutter machine
French Fries Slicer potato cutter machine

Blanching Potatoes Before Frying

This is blanching machine to protect the french sticks color and remain goods taste.

Potato chips branching time is about 5 to15 minutes at hot water temperature 70℃ (158.0 °F). And the stainless steel mesh belt is with frequency conversion speed regulation, so the blanching time and speed is adjustable.

There are continuous branching machine with gas heating and continuous branching machine with electric heating for customer to choose.

french fries machine blanching machine
french fries machine blanching machine

Potato dewatering machine

Air cooling machine removes the water and cool down the temperature of branched potato sticks before frying. It shortens the frying time and ensure the quality taste of french fries.

And to have better effect, a vibrating deoiling macine is necessory to be used before air drying and dewatering conveyor belt.

french fries production line air cooling conveyor
french fries production line air cooling conveyor

french fries deep fryer machine

For small scale potato chips plant, the basket type deep fryer or round pot frying machine is ideal choice for capacity below 200kg an hour.

Гэсэн хэдий ч, for fully automatic french fries production plant, the continuous frying machine is best option to keep the frying time continuous working with larger capacity and less labors. Best french fries machine is stainless steel materials and its frying time is adjustable and oil temperature adjustable.

Түүнээс гадна, we can also customize the fryer to automate the process of oil refill, oil recycle, oil filtering and self cleaning system. This will greatly improve the production efficiency, prolong oil usage and bettter quality french fries.

french fries fryer machine
french fries fryer machine

Deoiling Machine

Vibrating Deoiling machine is neccessory to remove oil on surface of french fries after frying.

Because, the fried french sticks from frying line normally carry some oils which cause the product oily and may polute the production floor. Тиймээс, the vibrating machine with oil receiving plates is good to deoiling the oil from chips surface and keep the production site clean.

Илүү юу байна, during vibrating process, the chips are moving foward and spread even to next process.

french fries machinery vibrating machine
french fries machinery vibrating machine

Cooling Machine

Cooling conveyor is installed with ventilators blowing wind to french fries. Therefore the surface temperature drop sharly by natural strong wind. This is important process before quick freezing process.

And oil receiving plate under the cooling conveyor is optional to receive oil dropped from french fries.

automatic frozen french fries production line air cooling conveyor
automatic frozen french fries production line air cooling conveyor

Fries Freezer Tunnel Freezers IQF Freezers

French fries quick freezer is applicable to freeze large quantities of french fries in short periods of time without causing any clumps from developing or having the product stick together.

Center temperature of material to feed:<20 C

Discharge temperature: -18℃

Freezing time: 15 min to 45minutes.

French Fries Quick Freezer
French Fries Quick Freezer

Packing Automatic Machine with Weighing, Filling and Bag Making

To pack frozen french fries into plastic bag automatically, the automatic pouch filling and sealing machine is ideal choice. It includes elevator, multi-head weigher, flatform, bag making devices with date printing function, and an end product conveyor.

Илүү юу байна, the chips packing machine has advantage of high efficiency, accurate weighing, and working continuous with the french fries processing line.

Frozen french fries production line doypack packaging machine
Frozen french fries production line doypack packaging machine

French Fries Processing Line Parameter

Frozen French Fries Machine List as below for reference only. And we are able to customize the fries processing line based on customer factory layout, хүчдэл, end product varieties, packing type etc.

Үгүй.Machine NameQuantityUnitVoltage Rate
1Elevator1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
2Potato washing and peeling machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
3Select conveyor belt1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
4Potato cutter1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
5Bucket spray lift1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
6Unqualified French fry picking machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
7Rinse machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
8Blanching machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
9Vibration dehydrator1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
10Air-cooled dryer1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
11Elevator1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
12Continuous frying machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
13Vibrating deoilingg machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
14Air-cooled dryer1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
15French Fries Spreading MachineSet380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
16Freezer1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized
17Packing Machine1Set380V 50HZ 3ph Can be customized

Шарсан төмс хийх машины үйлдвэр

Давуу тал

Нэг цэгийн хүнсний машин үйлдвэрийн

30 жил Р&D түүх

Тогтвортой машин гүйцэтгэл

Цаг тухайд нь хүргэх


12 Сарын чанарын баталгаа

Насан туршийн техникийн дэмжлэг, сэлбэг хэрэгслийн үйлчилгээ


Борлуулалтын дараах дэмжлэг ажиллаж байна, засвар үйлчилгээ.

Үйлдвэр дээр онлайн эсвэл офлайн үнэгүй сургалт

Хэрэглэгчийн үйлдвэрт газар дээр нь суурилуулах

Шинэ бизнес төлөвлөгч нарт бизнесийн ерөнхий зөвлөгөө өгдөг.

Худалдан авагчийн улс руу хүргэх үйлчилгээ

French Fries Machine Price

We have professional technical engineer team and product develope team to updgrating our production line for higher efficency, Бага үйлдвэрлэл, илүү сайн хэрэглэгчийн сэтгэл ханамжтай байх. Түүнээс гадна, Бид өөрсдийн бизнесийнхээ зөв шийдэлтэй харилцагчийн хэрэгцээнд хариу үйлдэл үзүүлдэг.

You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a french fries manufacturing plant cost..

What is the best potato used for frozen french fries line?

Shepody is a white-skinned potato cultivar that originated in New Brunswick, Canada and is used for boiling, жигнэх, and French frying. Its dry matter 19-21%, low reducing sugar content≤ 0.4% , especially suitable for frying processing.

Илүү юу байна, french fries in fast food restaurants and potato chips in supermarkets are mass-produced in factories. The well-shaped, light-eyed Shepody is easy to peel during production, and the resulting potato chips and french fries rarely showing holes and scars.

Тиймээс, Shepody is ideal potato types for frozen french fries production.

Shepody potato for frying
Shepody potato for frying

Холбоотой машинууд

Potato chips machines, гадил жимсний чипс үйлдвэрлэх шугам, пенавт хайруулын шугам. тасралтгүй шарагч, small scale potato chips production line

Гадил жимсний чипс машин Plantain чипс машин Автомат гадил жимсний чипс үйлдвэр
Гадил жимсний чипс машин Plantain чипс машин Автомат гадил жимсний чипс үйлдвэр
Төмсний чип машин
Төмсний чип машин




