Automatic Potato Chips Plant

Automatic Potato Chips Plant Chips Making Machine 100KG

Automatic Potato Chips Plant
Бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу

Automatic potato chips plant is industrial potato chips making machine, processing potato into crispy and delicious chips.

Chips making machine 100kg an hour is efficient and saving huge production and labor cost. Тиймээс, it is more suitable for small and medium potato chips factory.

Өргөдөл: Making potato chips, амтат төмсний чипс, french fries, plantain long chips, гадил жимсний чипс гэх мэт.

Материал: Хүнсний зэрэглэлийн зэвэрдэггүй ган 304

Хүчин чадал: 100kg an hour, and customized capacity available

Automatic Potato Chips Plant Application

Automatic chips making machine is popular to use in small and medium potato chips factory and even new business starter. And chips making machine automatic processes potato with low water rate and high start content into crispy and delicious chips. In the chips making machine automatic line, the seasoning machine gives special flavors to chips and automatic chips packaging machine with nitrogen fill can have longer shelflife.

Ердийн, the automatic potato chips plant needs to cover the production process of potato washing and peeling, зүсэх, blanching, frying and packing. Гэсэн хэдий ч, we can customize the production solution based on end product features, client budget and factory power capacity etc. Илүү юу байна, we can customize the potato chips making machine for making banana chips, plantain long chips etc.

Potato Chips
Potato Chips
Banana Chip
Banana Chip
Sweet Potato Chips
Sweet Potato Chips
Plantain chip
Plantain chip
French fries fry by Frozen French Fries Machine
French fries fry by Frozen French Fries Machine

Chips Making Machine Automatic Introduction

Automatic Chips Making Machine Description

Automatic potato chips making machine is designed for processing potatoes into delicious potato cips. And it can also be customized for making fench fries, гадил жимсний чипс гэх мэт . There are different capacity chips making machine to meet client production need. Due to its high efficiency, the potato chips making machne for business reduces labor forces and saving energy, тиймээс, to help investors get better returns.

Chips machine automatic normally includes potato chips peeling machine, chips cutting machine, potato blanching machine, dewatering machine, commercial potato chip fryer, deoiling machine price, spice mixing machine, and packing machine.

Түүнээс гадна, potato chips production line needs to meet different business demand, тиймээс, we have designed semi-automatic potato chips production line with capacity 30 to 50kg/h or 50 to 100kg/h. But also we designed potato chips fully automatic machine with capacity from 100kg an hour upto 500KG/H and higher capacity can be customized.

Chips making machine with output 100kg/h needs to make sure whole production with less labor, more efficient and more easier to operate. Тиймээс, we update the small scale potato chips production line in regards of automatic potato peeling machine, round pot automatic frying machine, and bottom discharge type doiling machine, and drum type seasoning machine. In this design, the frying to seasoning process is batch working but less manual intervention.

Automatic Potato Chips Making Machine Specification

Хоол арга цэг: Цахилгаан халаалт / Хийн халаалт

Машины материал: Хүнсний зэрэг 304 зэвэрдэггүй ган материал, хамгийн сайн чанарын хийсэн

Хүчин чадал: 100kg per hour an higher capacity, тохируулах боломжтой

Oil Heating Temperature: 0℃ to 300℃ (Fahrenheit 32°F to 572.0 °F )

Ratio of potato and potato chips: 3 руу 3.5 : 1 for references.

Зөвлөмж: Цайруулах хугацаа:100 усны температурт секунд: 80 to 100℃. байхад, хайруулын цаг: 3 руу 4 минут, at oil frying temperature: 170-180℃.

Үйлдвэрийн талбайн шаардлага: Бид үйлдвэрийн хэмжээ, шалны төлөвлөгөөнд үндэслэн үйлдвэрлэлийн шугамыг өөрчилж болно.

Potato Chips Processing Plant Flow Chart

Small Scale Potato Chips Production Line-potato chips manufacturing plant Flow Chart

Potato Chips Machine Automatic Features

Chips Peeling Machine

Chips peeler machine is made of food grade stainless steel 304. The high quality nylon rollers peels the potato skin completes. Түүнээс гадна, the roller materials can be customized to be suitable on different roots like carrots, cassava etc.

Potato washer and peeler machine removes potato dirty during peeling process. And it is simple to run and clean the machine.

And the peeling machine has its own start on and off control system which allow the worker to adjust peeling time for different materials.

chips peeling machine automatic potato chips plant
chips peeling machine automatic potato chips plant

Automatic Chips Cutter

Chips slicer machine price is suitable for cutting potato into slices. And also it can use for cutting banana chips, амтат төмсний чипс, сонгины цагираг болон бусад үндэс.

Chips thickness can be adjustable and chips slices are uniform in size on this potato chip slicing machine.

Түүнээс гадна, there are four inlets to feed the raw materials.

automatic chips cutter automatic potato chips plant
automatic chips cutter automatic potato chips plant

Potato Fryer Machine Price

This is batch fryer with feeding hopper, and mixing function, and discharge materials function. Тиймээс, it greatly improves the efficiency and reduces labor in potato chips production machine.

Мөн хайруулын цаг, температурыг хэрэгцээнд үндэслэн хянаж, тохируулах боломжтой.

Heating method: Electric deep fryer and gas heating frying machine available for customer to choose.

Илүү юу байна, there is a mini continuous frying machine 100kg an hour can be a good replacement if customer wants an continuous frying process with potato chips in one end and out from the the end.

potato frying machine automatic potato chips plant
potato frying machine automatic potato chips plant

Төвөөс зугтах машин

Potato chips deoiling machine use centrigugal principle to remove oil on potato chips after frying. Тиймээс, the chips is not oily and better taste and have long shelf life.

During the high speed spinning process, it does not only take away the too much oil but also cool down the chips temperature as well.

After deoiling, the chips is discharge from bottom, which there will be an elavator to send them to next seasoning machine.

Deoling machine
Deoling machine

Potato Chip Seasoning Machine

Potato Chips Seasoning Machine is continuous seasoning process, to mix evenly the potaot chips with salt and spices.

Advantage of this seasoning machine is low breaks rate and suitable for almost all kinds of chips, onion rings, corn flakers, crackers, dried fish, fried beans etc.

Илүү юу байна, the hopper will spray the spices evenly to the fried chips, the amount of spices is adjustable according to need.

Seasoning Machine automatic potato chips plant
Seasoning Machine automatic potato chips plant

Potato Chips Packaging Machine

This is semi automatic potato chips packing machine without weighing function. It has filling machine, bag making and sealing machine. Тиймээс, the worker needs to weigh the chips before load each batch to bukets on this packing machine.

It has nitrogen filling inlet so that can do nitrogen filled packages. The machine is econimical in cost. Гэсэн хэдий ч, for customer who persuit automatic packing solution, we also have the automatic packing machine with weighing scale, filling and bag making and sealing function.

potato chips packaging machine
potato chips packaging machine

Automatic Potato Chips Machine Price Parameter

We have automatic potato chips machine capacity 100kg an hour and higher.

Түүхий оролт100200400
Чип гаралт20-30КГ30-50КГ50-100КГ
Хүчдэл380В / 220В

Automatic Potato Chips Machine Manufacturer

Давуу тал

Нэг цэгийн хүнсний машин үйлдвэрийн

30 жил Р&D түүх

Тогтвортой машин гүйцэтгэл

Цаг тухайд нь хүргэх


12 Сарын чанарын баталгаа

Насан туршийн техникийн дэмжлэг, сэлбэг хэрэгслийн үйлчилгээ


Борлуулалтын дараах дэмжлэг ажиллаж байна, засвар үйлчилгээ.

Үйлдвэр дээр онлайн эсвэл офлайн үнэгүй сургалт

Хэрэглэгчийн үйлдвэрт газар дээр нь суурилуулах

Шинэ бизнес төлөвлөгч нарт бизнесийн ерөнхий зөвлөгөө өгдөг.

Худалдан авагчийн улс руу хүргэх үйлчилгээ

Automatic potato chips machine factory cost

For potato chips plant, we have semi automatic potato chips making machine price and fully automatic potato chips making machine price available to customer based on actual capacity they need, and requirement on automazation and factory space.

Түүнээс гадна, Техникийн инженерийн Технологийн ТЕХНИКИЙН ТЕХНИКИЙН БАГ, БАРИЛГЫН ТӨЛӨВЛӨГӨӨГИЙН ТӨЛӨВЛӨГӨӨГИЙН ҮНЭГҮЙ ҮНЭГҮЙ, Бага үйлдвэрлэл, илүү сайн хэрэглэгчийн сэтгэл ханамжтай байх. Түүнээс гадна, Бид өөрсдийн бизнесийнхээ зөв шийдэлтэй харилцагчийн хэрэгцээнд хариу үйлдэл үзүүлдэг.

You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a fully automatic potato chips production line.

Холбоотой машинууд

Small potato chips plant, French fries production line, гадил жимсний чипс үйлдвэрлэх шугам, пенавт хайруулын шугам. тасралтгүй шарагч, сагс төрлийн гүн шарагч, дугуй тогоо автомат шарагч, тасралтгүй хайруулын машин.

Төмсний чип машин
Төмсний чип машин
Мини төмсний чипс үйлдвэрлэдэг жижиг хэмжээний төмс хийх машин
Мини төмсний чипс үйлдвэрлэдэг жижиг хэмжээний төмс хийх машин




