Mini Potato Chips Plant

Mini Potato Chips Plant Small Scale Potato Chips Machine

Mini potato chips plant small scale potato making machine

Mini Potato Chips Plant is potato chips making machine for small business, with output of 30kg/h, or 50kg/h, upto 100kg per hour.

Small scale potato chips machine has advantage on reducing manpower, producing various chips, and little investment with attractive returns. Perciò, it is popular for small potato chips manufacturers.

Applicazione: Making potato chips, patatine dolci, patate fritte, patatine lunghe di platano, banana chips etc.

Materiale: Food Grade Stainless Steel 304

Capacità: 30kg per hour, 50kg per hour, upto 100kg/h

Mini Potato Chips Plant Application

Small scale potato chips making machine uses the potatoes with low water rate and high starch content as raw materials. And through washing, peeling, affettare, frying process, potato chips production line turns the raw potato into delicious and crispy potato chips.

Oltretutto, small chips making machine can also be customized to make finger chips, patatine alla banana, patatine dolci, ecc. Perciò, small potato chips machine can allow snack manufacturers to produce various chips products at minimum cost.

Perciò, mini potato chips plant is quite popular among small business chips manufacturers. Not only because the production line saves manpower, but also has better return on investment.

Patatine fritte
Patatine fritte
Patatine alla banana
Patatine alla banana
Patatine dolci
Patatine dolci
Chips di piantaggine
Chips di piantaggine
Patatine fritte di Frozen French Fries Machine
Patatine fritte di Frozen French Fries Machine

Potato Chip Plant Introduction

Small Potato Chips Making Machine Description

Semi automatic potato chips making machine is potato chips making machine for small business, with output of 30kg/h, or 50kg/h, upto 100kg per hour. And the potato chips production is flexible to various product type, and customizable according to client requirement and factory space.

Normalmente, the small potato plant includes potato chips peeler, industrial chip cutter, vegetable blancher, potato dewatering machine, friggitrice per patatine equipment, centrifugal deoiling machine, potato chip seasoning machine and potato packing equipment. While customer could customize their own chips plant according to their need and capacity requirement.

Small potato chips machine is made of food grade stainless steel material. And semi-auto potato chip production line has separate control on each machines, so that worker could run and stop each machine according to production need. Perciò, small potato chips machine helps chips manufacturer to improve production efficient and ensure food safty.

Mentre per soddisfare la diversa domanda aziendale, we have designed semi-automatic potato chips production line with capacity 30 to 50kg/h or 50 to 100kg/h. Ma abbiamo anche progettato una macchina completamente automatica per patatine con una capacità fino a 500 kg/ora e una capacità maggiore può essere personalizzata.

Small Potato Chips Plant Specification

Metodo di riscaldamento: Riscaldamento elettrico / Riscaldamento a gas

Materiali della macchina: Per uso alimentare 304 materiali in acciaio inossidabile, migliore qualità fatta

Capacità: 30kg per hour to 100kg per hour, personalizzabile

Temperatura di riscaldamento dell'olio: 0da ℃ a 300 ℃ (Fahrenheit da 32°F a 572.0 °F)

Rapporto tra patate e patatine: 3 A 3.5 : 1 per referenze.

Recommendation: Blanching time: 60 A 90 seconds at water temperature: 90 to 95℃. Mentre, frying time: 3 A 4 minuti, at oil frying temperature: 170-180.

Requisiti di spazio in fabbrica: Possiamo personalizzare la linea di produzione in base alle dimensioni della fabbrica e alla planimetria.

Potato Chips Processing Plant Flow Chart

Small Scale Potato Chips Production Line-potato chips manufacturing plant Flow Chart

Potato Chips Processing Line Features

Peeler Machine Potato

This is professional potato peeler machine made of food grade stainless steel material. And it is not suitable for potato with various sizes, and also suitable for sweet potato etc.

Potato washer and peeler machine removes potato dirty and thin skin completely and efficiently, at peeling rate upto 98%.

This potato peeling machine is also simple to operate and clean. It works at batch peeling and worker could load batch potato and start cleaning while peeling. And worker can stop the machine when the peeling effect is satisfactory. Perciò, this is good to use in semi-automatic potato processing plant.

industrial potato chips slicer machine potato peeler machine
industrial potato chips slicer machine potato peeler machine

Slicer Machine Potato

Electric potato slicer is suitable for cutting potato into slices. And also it can use for cutting banana chips, patatine dolci, onion rings and other roots.

Chips thickness can be adjustable and chips slices are uniform in size.

Oltretutto, there are four inlets to feed the raw materials.

industrial potato chip cutter
industrial potato chip cutter

Blanching Machine for Potatoes

Potato blanching machine cook the potato chips in water to keep the original flavor and fresh color. The recommended water temperature 90 to 95℃ at 60 to 90seconds.

Tuttavia, the blanching time and water temperature is controllable automatically and adjustable according to different materials need.

For heating method, we have electric blanching machine and also gas heating vegetable blanching machine.

potato chips blanching machine
potato chips blanching machine

Potato Chip Dewatering Machine

Potato dewatering machine removes water on surface of potato chips after blanching by high speed centrigugal dewatering method.

And centrifugal dewatering machine shall be fixed to solid ground to use, and it also has shockproof devices to keep stable working.

potato chip dewatering machine
potato chip dewatering machine

Potato Fryer Machine Price

Potato frying machine is basket type for small potato plant. And the frying time and temperature is controllable and adjustable based on needs. The recommended frying time is 3 A 4 minutes at oil temperature 185℃.

And there is electric deep fryer and gas heating deep fryer to choose. Oltretutto, this basket type frying machine is suitable for capacity 30 to 50kg an hour and 100kg an hour.

Cosa c'è di più, we also have round pot frying machine and mini continuous frying machine for larger capacity 100kg an hour with higher efficiency and labor saving.

potato chip fryer equipment
potato chip fryer equipment

Centrifugal Deoiling Machine

Potato chips deoiling machine is same working principle as potato chips dewatering machine. They all adopt centrifugal spinning to remove oil on potato chips after frying. Perciò, the chips is not oily and better taste and have long shelf life.

The de oiling machine is also having shockproof devices and spinning speed is adjustable according to need.

centrifugal deoiling machine
centrifugal deoiling machine

Macchina per condire le patatine

Potato Chips Seasoning Machine is batch type seasoning process, to mix evenly the potaot chips with salt and spices.

Advantage of this seasoning machine is low breaks rate and suitable for almost all kinds of chips, anelli di cipolla, corn flakers, crackers, pesce essiccato, fried beans etc.

While to add salt or spices automatically or spray liquid, we can customize to add the auto spices feeder on this seasoning machine.

potato chip seasoning machine
potato chip seasoning machine

Packing Machine for Chips

This is semi automatic potato chips packing machine without weighing function. It has filling machine, bag making and sealing machine. Perciò, the worker needs to weigh the chips before load each batch to bukets on this packing machine.

It has nitrogen filling inlet so that can do nitrogen filled packages.

potato chips packing machine
potato chips packing machine

Parametro della macchina per la produzione di patatine fritte

We have potato production line with 30kg an hour, 50kg an hour and upto 100kg an hour potato processing line. We an also customize the production line machine and capacity according to requirement.

Raw Input100200400
Chips Output20-30KG30-50KG50-100KG
Voltaggio380V / 220V

Mini Potato Chips Plant Manufacturer

Vantaggio della fabbrica di friggitrici

Fabbrica unica di macchine alimentari

30 anni R&Storia D

Prestazioni stabili dei macchinari

Consegna puntuale


12 Mesi di garanzia di qualità

Supporto tecnico per tutta la vita e servizio di pezzi di ricambio


Assistenza post-vendita in funzione, manutenzione.

Formazione gratuita on line o off line in fabbrica

Installazione on-site presso lo stabilimento del cliente

Consulenza aziendale generale per il nuovo business planner.

Servizi di consegna nel paese dell'acquirente

Mini Potato Chips Making Machine Price

Disponiamo di un team di ingegneri tecnici professionisti e di un team di sviluppo del prodotto per aggiornare la nostra linea di produzione per una maggiore efficienza, meno produzione e migliore soddisfazione dell'utente. Oltretutto, comprendiamo e rispondiamo rapidamente alle esigenze dei clienti con la giusta soluzione per il loro business.

You are most welcomed to contact our team now for a small scale potato chips production line.

Macchine correlate

Automatic potato chips production line, Linea di produzione di patatine fritte, linea di produzione di patatine di banana, linea di frittura dei penauti. friggitrice continua, basket type deep fryer, round pot automatic fryer, macchina per friggere continua.

Macchine per patatine
Macchine per patatine
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Macchina per patatine di banana Macchina per patatine di piantaggine Impianto automatico di patatine di banana




