Mesin Makanan DT

Pakar Solusi Pengolahan Makanan

We are 30-year factory devoted to integrated food processing solution in food industry.

Mengkhususkan diri dalam mesin roti, mesin mie, peralatan pengolahan kacang, dan buah & solusi pengolahan sayuran

Melayani beragam kebutuhan produksi dengan kualitas dan efisiensi.

Produk kami

Tentang Kami

DT Food Machine A Reliable Food Machine Manufacturer and Integrated Solution Provider in Food Processing Industry

DT food machine is a professional food machine manufacturer and food processing solution provider in China. We are located in Henan Province which is main Chinese comprehensive transportation hub, logistic and information flow center. With population over 100 million, Henan Province is among the China’s largest agriculturalmand grain processing province. These provides rich support and conditions for DT Food Machine factory to emerge, develope and leads the food processing industry.

30 Years ago, we started flour mill plant and food processing equipment factory to serve domestic market demand. To catch up with diversification of processed food varieties both domestic and abroad, we continue to develop new equipment and enhance the overall food processing solutions for food factories. At present, the main food processing solution is baking processing, noodle production line, fruit and vegetable processing line, nut production line. And processing technology involves cleaning, penggorengan, pembakaran, quick-freezing, dll.. Until Now, we have export our food machines to over 180 countries and regions worldwide.

So far, DT factory covers an area of 50000m2 including Food technology laboratory, raw material processing workshop, equipment assembly workshop, equipment debugging workshop, equipment packaging workshop, equipment storage and delivery workshop.

DT Food Machine-Food machine manufacturer

30 Bertahun-tahun

Manufaktur Peralatan Pengolahan Makanan


Lokakarya Produksi dan Lab Pengujian


Peralatan Pengolahan Makanan


Ekspor ke Negara dan Wilayah

Industri Makanan Yang Kami Layani

Kami melayani di industri makanan mulai dari kecil, dijalankan oleh keluarga hingga proses industri besar dan sangat mekanis. Solusi pengolahan pangan adalah dengan mengubah hasil pertanian menjadi pangan melalui penyiapan bahan mentah, penilaian, pencucian, menggiling, memasak, penggorengan, pembakaran, pengepakan dll.

DT Food Machine serve chocolate factory
DT Food Machine Serve ice cream factory
DT Food Machine Serve vegetable and fruit factory
DT Food Machine Serve biscuit factory
DT Food Machine Serve banana chips factory
DT food machine seve noodle factory
DT food machine seve peanut butter factory
DT food machine seve factory potato chips
DT Food Machine serve instant noodle factory

Layanan kami

Food machine manufacturer consultancy
delivery-Food machine manufacturer-dt food machine
quality machine-Food machine manufacturer-dt food machine
24hrs sales service-Food machine manufacturer-dt food machine

Konsultasi Profesional

Anda akan mendapatkan solusi yang dipersonalisasi dan profesional untuk menyelesaikan masalah Anda.

Perhatian terhadap Detail dan Kualitas

Mesin makanan DT harus diuji dengan berbagai instrumen pengujian, pemeriksaan visual dan uji coba sebelum meninggalkan pabrik.

Desain Gratis, Dukungan Teknis dan Layanan Instalasi

Kami telah berpengalaman dalam desain teknis dan tim pengembangan untuk kebutuhan khusus Anda. Anda dapat menikmati wdukungan teknis kehidupan lubang, dengan suku cadang biaya bersih. Layanan instalasi tersedia berdasarkan permintaan.

Blog tentang Solusi Pengolahan Makanan




